The North of Rose Neighborhood at a Glance
as of 11/30/2020
Number of Properties for Sale: 9
Months Supply of Inventory: 4.5
Number of Properties in Escrow: 2
Number of Properties Sold This Month: 0
Average Sale Price: —
Sold $ / Square Foot: —
Average Days on Market: —
Take a look at the North of Rose Neighborhood vibe …
North of Rose there is a a variety of housing ranging from late 20’s Spanish cottages to postwar duplexes. Recently there have been some newly constructed homes. In many respects, this small neighborhood relates more to Santa Monica’s Ocean Park (originally part of Venice) than Venice.
Lot sizes average 40′ by 100′. Zoning is a mix of RD1.5 and R2 with commercial along Rose Avenue.