The Milwood Neighborhood at a Glance
as of 11/30/2020
Number of Properties for Sale: 24
Months Supply of Inventory: 24
Number of Properties in Escrow: 1
Number of Properties Sold This Month: 0
Average Sale Price: –
Average Sold $ / Square Foot: –
Average Days on Market: –
Take a look at the Milwood Neighborhood vibe …
Within this charming area there are four walk streets … in combination only 10 blocks … that are very sought-after by young creatives. The drive streets have the same charm with larger lots … many homes have separate studios/alley houses.
There is some excellent contemporary architecture in the neighborhood … however; the emphasis is on restoring/enlarging the old 1920’s California bungalows in keeping with the original style.
The neighborhood is very close and friendly … involved in maintaining the historic quality of the walk streets. There are many block parties throughout the year.
This could be called the garden community of Venice as the area sports some beautiful landscaping. The lush feeling is prevalent throughout the area. There is great pride-of-ownership.
Lots along the walk streets are 35′-40′ wide and 85′-90′ deep. Front yards are very much incorporated into the living areas. Most of the drive street lots are larger … many 40′ wide by 135′ deep … offering enough property to have two units. The zoning is R- 2, which allows two units on 5000 sq. ft. lots. There is almost no vacant land.